6 Tips to Help You Avoid Landlord-Related Burnout

You’ve managed your real estate rental properties for years now, and it’s getting exhausting. There are a ton of responsibilities, and the tasks are highly demanding on your time and attention. This can easily lead to landlord burnout. When this happens, you can begin to neglect your landlord duties, and your investment will suffer. 

Try these six tips for avoiding landlord burnout so that you can enjoy long-term success with your investment rental properties. 

1. Stick to Your financial Plan

Before you start investing in rental real estate, create a realistic budget and stick to it. Know how much you can spend when buying property and what you can afford for maintenance. Overextending yourself can cause you unnecessary stress. It can also result in you covering the difference between your rental income and the property’s mortgage. 

2. Don’t Let Real Estate Rule Your Life

Managing your rental properties can quickly become a full time job. There are property repairs and maintenance, tenant reactions, and market monitoring. While all of these are important, you shouldn’t let them rule your life. The real estate market fluctuates, and this can be distracting and cause you stress. While you should monitor market trends, don’t let them cause you to make panicked decisions that aren’t wise for the long run. 

3. Do the Prep Work

The key to a successful rental property investment is research. Start by looking online to gather information about the individual property, the neighborhood it’s located in, and the community surrounding it. Analyze historical performance and projected trends for the future. Spend time in the area in person to get a feel for the property and community. This lets you learn about its best features and how to best market your rental to potential tenants. 

4. Know your Responsibilities  

Nothing is more stressful than finding out at the last minute or after the fact that you are responsible for something. Knowing what your duties are in advance can help you plan and stay organized. This applies to more than just your landlord responsibilities. If you’re struggling to keep up with your personal responsibilities, you can begin to resent your rental property. This can make you feel burnt out about your property and avoid your landlord duties instead of focusing on your personal life. 

5. Ask For Help

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to ask for help. A local property manager can give you the support and guidance that you need to avoid burnout. Most will work with you to tailor their service to what you need. This lets you find the perfect balance to avoid burnout. Consider working with them to streamline your tenant application process and money management tasks. 

6. Look Out For the Signs

Keep an eye out for common signs of burnout so that you can act quickly and avoid total burnout. Perhaps you find yourself adding multiple unenforceable clauses to address past negative experiences. You may find yourself constantly worrying about your properties and feeling an overwhelming need to check on them personally. There is also the feeling of no motivation to make the necessary repairs or maintenance. 

Avoid Landlord Burnout

Avoiding landlord burnout is crucial to the long-term success of your real estate investment. Remember, this type of investment is a marathon, not a sprint. Set yourself up for success by doing the necessary research. This gives you the information you need to make strategic decisions and develop a plan. While it’s important to monitor changing trends, don't let them take over your life. 

Contact our team of property managers and let them help you avoid landlord burnout. 
